Matthew Petersen

My photo
I'm Matt Petersen, a senior at Hamline University in St. Paul, MN. This is an online portfolio displaying my work in media relations, visual design, and video production.

Friday, October 21, 2011


Welcome to my Online Portfolio! Here you can view samples of my work in visual design, video editing, marketing, and journalism. Please feel free to contact me at

Please use this hyperlinked table of contents for your convenience: 

Writing Samples

One of my many tasks as a Media Relations Intern is to write enterprise articles for the main Hamline website. Doing so often requires conducting interviews, creating associated multimedia, and creating press releases. Here is a brief selection of the articles that I have written. (All articles are hyperlinked to the Hamline webpage).

Hamline professor talks Hamline, biology, and climbing the world’s tallest mountain (October 2011)

Summer field school unearths ancient artifacts and makes cultural connections across the state (July 2011)

Hamline alumnus makes photographical debut in exhibit on food and faith (August 2011)

Hamline prof explores biological, ecological, & cultural communities of Gulf Coast (May 2011)

Prevention and Solidarity (April 2011)


Creating a pleasing, convincing logo is a design challenge that I enjoy. Here's a few that I've done in my various positions at Hamline. 

MSP <3 MOT Logo (2011); I was approached by the organizers of a fundraiser for the flood victims of Minot South Dakota in June of 2011. The event was entitled "MSP <3 MOT". I designed a logo that was put on shirts, buttons, and e-publications. 

MSP <3 MOT Logo

FYSEM Throwdown Logo (2009); FYSEM Throwdown (FYSEM stands for First Year Seminar) is a competition that first-year students partake in during their initial months at Hamline. I designed this logo to be used in publications, posters, signage, etc. 

FYSEM Throwdown Logo

Video Production

I have been creating videos for fun since I was 10 years old, using Windows Movie Maker. I love cinematography, effects, and compelling editing. My internships have allowed me to create a plethora of videos for Hamline. All were made using Final Cut Pro 7. 

Make Your Mark Student Leader Selection Video (2011); In addition to posters, postcards, banners, and digital signage, I was tasked with creating a short marketing video for the Make Your Mark recruitment campaign. The result is the video that I am perhaps most proud of.  

Piper Music Video 2011 (2011); The music video is an annual orientation tradition that stars orientation leaders and is shown to incoming students during the summer program Piper Preview. I wrote, filmed, edited, and produced this year's video, an interpretation of Journey's song "Anyway You Want it". 


 Piper Boogie 2011 Video (2011); Another orientation tradition is the Piper Boogie, a choreographed dance put on by the orientation leaders and residence advisers during fall orientation. I used footage from the boogie and created a video that attempted to capture the fun essence of the activity. I'm very proud of the end result!

Mike Farris Mount Everest Video (2011); For my Media Relations internship, I had the privilege of creating an exciting video chronicling Hamline professor Mike Farris' summit of Mt. Everest. Loved working with the high-definition footage! I also wrote an enterprise article for the website, which you can view above in my writing samples post. This video demonstrates my ability to edit videos in an academic/professional setting. 

Visual Design V: Postcards, Banners, and Magnets

I have designed a wide variety of print mediums; this post demonstrates the gamut of my abilities. 

Dean of Students' Office 2010 Holiday Card (2011); I was approached by the Hamline Dean of Students' office to create a digital holiday card to be sent out to members of the university community. I took a picture of all the directors within the Student Affairs division, then designed two different drafts. In order to get the signatures as a part of the digital image, I had to scan them all in and insert a pair of inverse layers to isolate it from the rest of the scan.

Dean of Students' Holiday Card 2010 Draft 1

Dean of Students' Holiday Card 2010 Draft 2


Make Your Mark Student Leadership Selection Postcards (2011); As a part of the Make Your Mark campaign, I designed postcards that current student leaders would give to those they thought should apply for the positions.

Make Your Mark Postcard Front

Make Your Mark Postcard Back

Spring Orientation Postcards (2011); I designed this postcard for the Retention and Transfer Student Services Office to be mailed to incoming transfer students. I am quite pleased with this design.

Spring Orientation Postcard Front

Spring Orientation Program Back

"Have to Do at HU" Bucket List Magnet (2011); This project was funded by the Hamline Student Alumni Board; they asked me to design a magnet to be given out to new students. I designed a "bucket list" magnet that they could mark off as they mark off as they experienced new things during their Hamline career. I am very proud of this design since it was very complex to create due to the large amount of text and layering. 

Have to Do at HU Magnet Design

Class of 2015 Banner (2011); Unfortunately this design was never put to print, but I'm still satisfied with it. A new Hamline orientation tradition is a photo of the incoming class holding a large banner. Afterwards, each of the members of the class sign it and it's put away until graduation 4 years later. Here was my proposed design. 

Class of 2015 Proposed Banner

Visual Design IV: Posters

Posters form the backbone of marketing efforts at the Hamline campus; they can be taped, stapled, and stuffed everywhere. In 2010, the university invested in digital signage, which provided another way of getting posters disseminated across campus. Here are a few highlights of my work with print/poster design.

Make Your Mark Student Leader Selection Posters (2010/2011); In 2011, I was chiefly in charge of developing a recruitment campaign for student leadership positions for the coming year. Due to the large impact that undergraduate leaders have on the community, I chose to entitle the campaign "Make Your Mark". I envisioned and coordinated the photoshoot (demonstrating students physically "making thier mark") and then developed marketing materials using those photos. Here are two of the posters that were seen around campus.

Real Men Don't Rape Event Posters (2o10); Part of the Real Men Don't Rape campaign that I envisioned and marketed was an event that featured men from a variety of vocational backgrounds on campus talking about ways in which they strive to end sexual violence. I was fortunate enough to speak in the event. In order to market it, the Sexual Violence Prevention Task Force organized a photo shoot with men from campus wearing the shirts that I had designed. With those photos, I created posters to advertise the event. I am immensely proud of these posters, not only for thier quality but also because they helped draw awareness to an amazing cause.

Real Men Don't Rape Poster 1; McGuire and Sickbert

Real Men Don't Rape Poster 2; Frelix and Gutierrez

Real Men Don't Rape Poster 3; Petersen and Hijazin
Real Men Don't Rape Poster 4; Shingles and Volkmann 

Sexual Violence Prevention Awareness Week 2011 Posters (2011); The Sexual Violence Prevention Task Force hosts a week every April dedicated to solidarity with victims and erradication of sexual assault. I designed this poster to advertise these events across the week.

City Serve 2011 Art (2011); Hamline's Wesley Center for Spirituality, Service, and Social Justice contacted me to create artwork for City Serve 2011, a volunteerism program engaging the Twin Cities. This is what I envisioned and created.

The Usual Suspects Posters (2011); One of the programs I inherited during my work in the Orientation program was a monthly discussion called "Thoughtful Thursdays". Each session featured a member of the Hamline administration or faculty chatting casually about what they're really interested in. I rebranded it "The Usual Suspects" and created a series of posters to advertise each event. Given the name, I was highly inspired by mugshots and had many laughs editing my favorite professors and deans in front of a police station camera!

The Usual Suspects Poster featuring Dean of Students Alan Sickbert

The Usual Suspects Poster featuring English Professor Marcela Kostihova

Visual Design III: Powerpoints

An attractive visual style can provide a huge boon to any presentation using Powerpoint slides. When presenting for courses, I strive to create focused yet aesthetically-pleasing formats. Here is a sampling of a few Powerpoint Presentations and their themes.

Romeo and Juliet/Cultural Capital (For a cultural studies/British Literature course, 2010); Of all the creative art I've done, this design ranks as one of my all-time favorites. The main art is a depiction of Romeo and Juliet's famous balcony scene, but viewed from within Juliet's chambers as she beacons Romeo inside. My professor and peers alike were very impressed with this work.

Romeo and Juliet Presentation Title Slide

Romeo and Juliet Presentation Sample Slide

Collaborative Research Proposal Powerpoint (2010); For an English course, we were asked to create a proposal and presentation for Hamline's Collaborative Research program as a final project. My proposed project would compare modern action movies--many of which sees the hero utilizing a "suit"--to Renaissance British chivalry. That theme is present in this presentation, where the juxtaposition between sci-fi battle armor and medevial male comes to a head.

In Iron Clad Powerpoint Presentation Title Slide

In Iron Clad Powerpoint Presentation Sample Slide

In Iron Clad Powerpoint Presentation Sample Slide

Visual Design II: Creative Art

I have created artwork for a variety of bands, online forums, and other groups. Here is a brief sampling.

Samhain Promotional Art (2009); A local indie four-piece called Samhain approached me to create a promotional band image for thier online endeavors, materials sent to record labels, etc. They provided me with lyrics, a previous band logo, and a photo of them, asking that I incorporate all of them together. Here's what I came up with.

Samhain Promotional Art

No Fall Too Far Album Art (2008); This piece was created for Florida metal band No Fall Too Far's debut, self-titled album.

No Fall Too Far Self-Titled Album Cover Art

Vansan Promotional Art (2008); Vansan was the short-lived musical project of a friend named Nate Di Grigio. He desired a header for his now-defunct Myspace page, and I designed this for him. His music was influenced by Mayan spiritualism and mythology, and I sought to reflect that in the art.

Vansan Promotional Art

Roosters Promotional Art (2010); For a theatre course at Hamline, we were asked to design a poster for the play Roosters by Milcha Sanchez-Scott. In this play, a father and son spar over a long history of family violence and the spoils of a cock-fighting empire.

Visual Design I: Gear

In my various internships and other involvements around campus, I have been called upon to design and market various gear/clothing items. This is a sampling of some of my best work.

New Student Programs Track Jacket: (2011); Track jackets are an annual tradition for the professional staff members and interns in the New Student Programs office. As Intern for Communications and Marketing, I created a design that features Hamline's founder, Bishop Leonidas Hamline, blinged out; the phrase "Doing Good" is an unofficial summarization of the university's mission statement.

New Student Programs Track Jacket Front Detail

New Student Programs Track Jacket

City Serve 2011 T-Shirts: (2011); Every year during fall orientation, new students and thier orientation leaders partake in City Serve, a 3-hour volunteerism project that provides over 1,600 hours of service to the local community. For this shirt, I used a silhouette for the iconic Minneapolis skyline and once again utilized the Hamline mission of "Doing Good".

City Serve 2011 Front and Back

Real Men Don't Rape Shirts: (2010); As a member of Hamline's Sexual Violence Prevention Task Force, I created and marketed an awareness campaign that specifically highlighted the major roll that men play in preventing sexual violence. During this campaign and its programing, we sold nearly 100 shirts and it fills me with satisfaction to see people wearing them around campus--each one symbolizes the solidarity and respect of its wearer. Check out the posters that I created for the Real Men Don't Rape campaign in my posters section! 

Real Men Don't Rape Front

Piper Preview Summer Orientation T-Shirts: (2011); Hamline's summer orientation program, Piper Preview, consists of 2 days of non-stop fun, and I definitely wanted to highlight this with the shirt worn by our orientation leaders. The physics theme is in homage to Hamline's fantastic science programs.

Piper Preview 2011 Front and Back